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The Colorado Chapter of Postpartum Support International


Postpartum Support International promotes awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every country worldwide.


Through serving as the Colorado Chapter of Postpartum Support International (CO-PSI) CO PMHP supports clinicians who specialize in perinatal mental health. This work includes: 


  • Providing scholarships with Colorado providers to attend PSI trainings and obtain PSI certifications. 

  • Making connections to resources such as the Colorado-based local coordinators. 

  • Representing PSI in Colorado. 

  • Keeping PSI informed on the state of perinatal mental health in Colorado.


Get Your Perinatal Mental Health Certificate (PMH-C)

The Perinatal Mental Health Certification Program creates a structure for professional education and evaluation, and a standardization of training and experience to inform families and payers of perinatal mental health specialists. The certification curriculum requirements build on existing evidence-based perinatal mental health certificate trainings, adding an advanced training component.

PSI Trainings

 PSI offers a variety of in-person and virtual trainings in topics related to perinatal mental health. PMD: Components of Care the first step to obtaining your PMH-C. Learn more about PSI’s trainings.

Apply for a Scholarship for a Perinatal Mental Health Training!

We are thrilled to offer scholarships for Colorado professionals to attend Postpartum Support International’s two-day Perinatal Mood Disorders Components of Care Training and/or one-day Advanced training in Perinatal Psychotherapy or Pharmacology. This training qualifies as Step 1 for the PSI Perinatal Mental Health Certification (PMH-C) Exam.

The scholarships are specifically for the November 2024 trainings, which will take place November 13-15 2024 via Zoom.

Who are the scholarships for?

This training is perfect for nurses, physicians, social workers, mental health providers, childbirth professionals, social support providers, and anyone else interested in becoming an even better support for the new moms and parents they work with.

How to apply:

Fill out our simple online application form! Applications are due by October 1, 2024. Applicants must serve residents of Colorado for consideration.

IMPORTANT! You must apply for a scholarship BEFORE registering for the training. We are unable to provide reimbursement for existing registrations.

If you would like to take both Components of Care and an Advanced Elective, you may apply for a scholarship to multiple trainings.


The Colorado Perinatal Mental Health Alliance for Professionals of Color

The Colorado Alliance is a networking group of professionals who serve the perinatal population that collaborates, advocates, and builds stronger support systems for both families and professionals of color. Join us to fill a critical gap in support services for communities of color around perinatal mental health.

Benefits include: 
  • Diverse referral network

  • Connections with other clinicians and meaningful networking opportunities

  • Statewide collaboration opportunities

  • Capacity building opportunities

Postpartum Support International also offers the nationwide Perinatal Mental Health Alliance for People of Color. Learn more here.

Get in touch with Patrece Hairston Peetz to join the Colorado Alliance.

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